Skilled workers for my company: advice and support

Are you working for a company that needs skilled workers?

The IQ Service Centres for Skilled Immigration are the point of contact for all questions relating to the entry and employment of international skilled workers.

We connect the most important labour market stakeholders. Together, we develop case-specific solutions for securing skilled labour and integrating international skilled workers into the company or the labour market.

Services for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs with up to 500 employees) in Brandenburg: 

  • Personalised advice on all issues relating to the employment of international skilled workers: Entry, residence, implementation of BAMF German courses in the workplace, funding opportunities, long-term integration
  • Information on searching for, finding and retaining international skilled workers
  • Further training in intercultural competence, communication and conflict management
  • Organisational development in relation to diversity management and staff induction processes
  • Support and guidance in cooperating with the immigration authorities and employer services, as well as exchange meetings in the event of difficulties in the process
  • Regular training programmes for companies on the topic of the Skilled Immigration Act and sustainable integration in the company, with opportunities to exchange ideas with other companies and experts

Services for the Brandenburg employer service of the Federal Employment Agency, Chambers and other labour market stakeholders: 

  • Training courses on the Skilled Immigration Act
  • Discussion of individual questions

IQ Servicestelle Fachkräfteeinwanderung NordWest


Standort Eberswalde:

Ulrike Volkmann (Projektleitung)
Mobil: 0160 6981711
E-Mail: ulrike.volkmann@spam.ihk-projekt(dot)de

Christine Meier
Mobil: 0170 5491803
E-Mail: meier@spam.ihk-projekt(dot)de

Natalya Gorodetskaya
Mobil:   +49 151 2569 138 8
E-Mail:  gorodetskaya@spam.ihk-projekt(dot)de 

IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH Ostbrandenburg
Heegermühler Str. 64
16225 Eberswalde

Website des Teilvorhabens

IQ Servicestelle Fachkräfteeinwanderung SüdOst


Standort Frankfurt (Oder):

Sandy Morgen (Projektleitung)
Mobil: +49 170 7645766
E-Mail: morgen@spam.ihk-projekt(dot)de

Katharina Kuczmanska
Mobil: +49 171 8169666
E-Mail: kuczmanska@spam.ihk-projekt(dot)de

Anastasija Au
Mobil:   +49 160 6981 711

IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH Ostbrandenburg
Puschkinstraße 12b
15236 Frankfurt (Oder)

Standort Finsterwalde:

­Angela Hesse-Krüger (Projektleitung)
Mobil: +49 170 7649003
E-Mail: hesse-krueger@spam.ihk-projekt(dot)de

IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH Ostbrandenburg
An der Schraube 26
03238 Finsterwalde

Website des Teilvorhabens

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Das Förderprogramm IQ – Integration durch Qualifizierung wird durch das Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales und die Europäische Union über den Europäischen Sozialfonds Plus (ESF Plus) gefördert und vom Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge administriert. Partner in der Umsetzung sind das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung und die Bundesagentur für Arbeit.